Hello All,
I have a requirement to read dynamic headers from Tibco to SAP PO through REST Sender Adapter.I red couple of blogs but I can not see the headers in Dynamic configuration at all.
Tibco sending data in the following format:
Hi Team,
I am new to ODATA Sender Adapter and it's testing service.
Could any one please share blogs for ODATA Sender Adapter and Testing steps .
Hi All,
Can anyone share any reference documents/links for Principal Propagation in SAP PO 7.4 single stack.I couldn't find any documents/steps for single stack, but I found couple of dual stack documents.Here my scenario is from 3rd party to EC...
Hi Ravi, I suggested to go with multi mapping and do split for each record as one separate XML file. Java mapping is not required.https://help.sap.com/viewer/0b9668e854374d8fa3fc8ec327ff3693/7.4.19/en-US/4bf41847eaca4c86e10000000a42189e.html#:~:text=...
Hi,Please add following parameter in for below RestAdapterBean module tab at module key level.
Local Enterprise Bean
ModuleKey ParameterName ParameterValuerest ...
Hi Charan,For to capture headers, you need to do following configurations in sender REST Adapter and your SAP PI/PO version must be on 7.5 SP12 or any.Configurender senderREST Channel :1. REST Resources Tab: XI DynamicAttribute: select Custom Attribu...
Hi Sugata,i tried with java mapping and am able to convert into desired output format for further process. Thank you all responses and approaches. Thanks ,Bhupal.
Hi Sugata,I appreciate your code and try. But my requirement is the XML declaration - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> is twice in source file,Yes it's causing a problem when the XML is parsed and before we are getting an interface determinati...