I migrate data in new SAP C4C system.
And I found errors. I could understand the difference between the records of 'Emails Note'
Transition Status 'Sent' : I could not update the Email Note(text)Transition Status 'Received' : I could up...
I wish to share the resolution to use Registered Product.
I also saw the question is inactive.
but during the analysis, I found how to activate the question below.
Do you want to enable users to capture registered products in opportuni...
Hi Javier,You could reference the following SAP KBA. (https://apps.support.sap.com/sap/support/knowledge/public/en/2806482)I tested with these steps.these steps. Updated the Windows RegistryReinstalled the .Net frameworkUpdated(Reinstalled) the new ...
I wish to share the information by SAP Support team. It would be helpful. (Answer from SAP Support team on June 7th is like below)It is not possible to add notes to outbound emails that are already completed. This is the expected behavior. There is n...
Hello Leonardo,Thank you for your comment.It is the answer that you asked me.1. I used the standard template 'Email Note'.2. I use the 'insert' operation with the primary key 'Email ID'. (I don't need to update the external key. I would think that it...