Hi Folks,
We are trying to automate a few scenarios in our organization using CBTA.
The start point is by creating data in SAP Business client 6.5 which is guess is a netweaver portal.
Also integrated within the netweaver app (Which is SAP Busi...
Hi Team ,
Currently we are adding Folders , scenarios , processes and process steps manually into the solution documentation. Is there a way to add the details in excel and import the excel sheet so that the folder structure would be created eas...
Hi Mohamed, thanks a lot for your response.As I replied above . the automation through CBTA is possible only if the URL is defined. We are still facing some issues with certain fields but I guess that's not a part of this question.
Hi Ajay, thanks for your response. After digging into it a bit and framing the same question to SAP, I have understood that only if the URL is present , then we can automate it using CBTA. IN our case, the url was not being displayed.Solution : So we...
Hi Prakhar,
Thanks for your reply.
1.)I have tested this out, but I feel its only possible for the first time.
If you already have some folders, and you want to add further folders, does this template still work.
2.) Also If I create the entire s...
Understood. My last follow up question would be, if i build the solution documentation once in Development, can i export the entire documentation and then upload it to maybe QA easily ?