When I do the export with the scripting - or using RPA I shoudl get this dialog - Good screen.jpggood-screen.jpg
But intstead I am getting this -bad screen
Can anyone tell me how to control the export dialogs so only ...
I think it is related to this
my Office is 64 bit, i am win windows 10 -
My apologize maybe I am too tired - but I don't understand what you mean by -
"To ...
I have seen a lot of VB codes through excel - how do you work it when you are using a SAP Router -
I am getting this error
RFC_ERROR_COMMUNICATIONMessageLOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host with UnicodeERROR partner 'xx.xx.xx.xx:3300' not...
I am using excel with VB -
'Example calling BAPI RFC_GET_TABLE_ENTRIESOption ExplicitPublic Functions As SAPFunctionsOCX.SAPFunctionsPrivate LogonControl As SAPLogonCtrl.SAPLogonControlPrivate objConnection As SAPLogonCtrl.ConnectionDim Func...
Is there a program transaction - outside FEBC( this just points to countries that is not USA involve) -
That i can use to convert a excel file for a US Bank to Multicash or MT940 ? or an outside general application?
This is for AR.
i have a video - but i can not send it here -I am using Sapgui 7.5 on a virtual machine in SKYTAPif i use sapgui - i can login without a problemonly when i run the code from the excel I get this problem -
The same problemError GroupRFC_ERROR_COMMUNICATIONMessageLOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host with UnicodeERROR partner '' not reachedTIME Wed Aug 21 22:16:27 2019RELEASE 749COMPONENT NI (network interface)VERSION 40RC -10MOD...
Thank you - I was trying to run it from
Blueprism - which is a RPA tool - We are trying to keep everything
inside of Blueprism without adding more DLLs or external dependencies -I thougth about the wscript - but all the steps involving CreateObject...