Member since ‎2019 Aug 28

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  • 28 Posts
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SAP S4Hana public cloud standard sends invoices to the project manager after a billing document is completed. I understand this is configured in the output determination settings application.Billing Document:Output items:Email example:Output determin...
Good day,We are trying to add a link from within the plan customer projects app to navigate directly to the Project Control - Professional Services Projects app for the project being worked on. Is it possible to add the link to the related apps selec...
Good day,We are currently making use of the project validations badi (YY1_PROJECTVALIDATIONS) for both project header and workpackage level fields. However we face an issue on the workpackage level validations as the Badi only triggers Custom Checks ...
Good day, I am trying to Create/Update Cost Center master data using Service costcentrereplicationbulkrq. There is a SOAP API available but it has too many fields and cannot get it to work: host:port/sap/bc/srt/scs_ext/sap/costcentrereplicationb...
Good day, I would like to find out if there is any SAP standard ways to Bulk update Cost Center Responsible Users fields in SAP S4hana Public Cloud? Thanks Haaroon
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