Member since ‎2018 May 29

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  • 14 Posts
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Hello, IdM Experts. We are facing a problem in our development IdM system. We have a business requirement to set initial password into eDirectory Novell system so we created a Sun repository system to do that. The connection to backend system...
I have implemented a captcha functionality to log in into SAP PORTAL. It's all working fine except that I cannot send a message from the login module to the login page (telling that the captcha failed). I would like to have help in getting this done....
Hi IdM Experts, We are setting up the notification package in SAP IdM 8.0 SP05 and we would like to know if it works only sending email by anonymous message through the mail server. We asking because the ...
Hi IdMExpert, We are facing a problem in our development IdM system. We have an Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 SP02 PL04 EBF 26122 where the sybsystemprocs was corrupted when the Identity Managament 8.0 was apparently ok. This problem does not a...
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