Hello Expert,I am new to IBP Optimizer. I would like to understand how the optimizer solution calculate the below variables.Optimization problem contains 22 variablesOptimization problem contains 0 discrete variablesOptimization problem contains 9 l...
Hello Expert,
I have loaded the Sales orders through the File Adaptor. I can view the sales orders in the Projected Stock App but not in the planning view in the Sales Order (Requested) KF.
Please advise.
Hello Experts,
I am new to the IBP order-based planning. Can someone please explain how to create a customer source of supply in the OBP?
Please advise.
Hello Expert,
I have configured the below config for the CONSENSUSDEMANDQTY. But somehow the defaulting is not working for the CONSENSUSDEMANDQTY. It is working perfectly in the QA Env but not in Prod.
Please advise.
Hello Expert,
While I am trying to run the Lag-based snapshot operator, No data is copied from the source KF to lag-based KF.
I am getting a warning message.
"Lag-Based operator Source KF CONSENSUSDEMANDQTY has NULL values for the copy periods....
Hello Piyush,Thanks for the suggestion.I am getting the error "Property datetime not found in type PA" while trying to extract the data based on PERIODIDN_TSTAMP.Please advise.ThanksSrikant
Hi Satish,Thanks for the response.CONSENSUSDEMANDQTY is a stored and calculated KF. In the calculation, it is a stored KF. This configuration is working perfectly in QA Env but not in Prod.Please advise.ThanksSrikant