Hi Folks,As classical ABAP, We have requirement to bulk data upload using excel for some transactional data using BAPIs. The same thing how we can achieve in S/4 HANA via developing RAP application only.
Hello Gurus,
We are creating sales order using BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2 but we could not able to update the Order field (RKAUFNR) in Profit segment screen of Account Assignment tab at Item level (PFA).
Kindly guide us for the same.
Hello Gurus ,
We required to add custom field at RFx Item table control, via Structure : INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF_BID and INCL_EEW_PD_ITEM_CSF add custom field properly and its working fine at item details level but the constraint is the custom field i...
Hello Gurus ,
Where can i find the relation between document uploaded in C Folder and RFx Response.
I have checked Txn BBP_PD ,table BBP_PDHSS , GUID Entry is there but i m not able to make any use of it. GUID reflects only CFF_Folder and i want ...
Hello Daniel,
By Manual entry Directly in Portal, its very long process for 2000+ categories.
So Via creating upload program we add bulk of data for vendor list in SRM.
Possible just suggest how to use the FM or any other code to create uplo...
Hello Denial ,
Thanks for your time.https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2473843 ,Using these note we done the enhancement.
We have problem in enhancement in RFx Item level so raised OSS.
Akash Patel
Hello Daniel ,Thanks for Responding.
We create one custom node and attribute of structure : /SAPSRM/S_CLL_RFQ_ITEM in view : V_RFQ_ITEM_TREETABLE. Bind these node with custom created column but its not reflected with item details field.
Please fi...
Hello Viktor ,
Thanks for responding.
For above How the relation is established with cFolder ?
We tried to search the GUID from field PS_TNDR_COLB_ID in table CFF_LOIO. But it indicates the folder created with against that RFx response.I'm n...