Hi Team,Can you please let me know some breif idea about CRM 7.0 security guide.How to created Business role is this part of functional activity?Whats the role of Technical colleagues BASIS guys in CRM 7.0 security .Please help me to get some documen...
Hello All,Can anyone please help me to find out about automation of client modifiable.Detail:I want to make a report in SOLMAN system . And via executing this report we will get a list of systems and time interval from -to so via selecting the system...
Dear All,Please help me to find out the SRM 5.0 to 7.0 upgrade guide material & Prerequistes.Current version of our SRM system isSAP SRM 5.00Want to upgrade from this current version to SAP SRM 7.0.what are the pre requistes.please help me provide gu...
Dear All,I need to create an infopackage after copying an existing one,it should allow me to change the selection parameters.Also this should be possible without client open.I require to load data from an ODS to a cube.Regards,Vyash Mishra
Hello All,We want to install IDES ECC6.0 on Linux Redhat v4 VMware 64 bit OS so per feasiblity Linux support oracle database 11g.So for this how we can proceed this project what are the possiblity.as per SMP dumps are available for oracle 10g.Can be ...
Hi All,While NEW HANA 1 DB installation on QUA ( existing server) and copy of prod HANA1 DB on newly built HANA DBwe also faced same issue as -RECOVER DATA finished with error: recovery could not be completed, volume 0, reached log position 0, Inva...
after upgrading the SOLMAN system from stack23 to stack 24 & reconfiguring the CCMS including fresh installation of SAPCCMS agentissue got resoulved.Hence closing the ticket as of now.