Member since ‎2016 Nov 24

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  • 85 Posts
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Hi, We have a publication of a report that what it does is generate a .pdf file in a fylesystem path. Since two months ago the name of the file, which has the placeholder %SI_USERFULLNAME%, is not being copied well into the path. Instead of putting...
Hi, When user add a break for a dimension in the BO webi report, the amounts of the subtotals that do not have decimals are shown rounded without decimals, and those that have decimals are shown with two decimals. Example: Amount decimal equal ...
Hi Guys, In the project I am currently working on I have to load exchange rates from a non-SAP source system into BW. It is a database of a non-SAP application to which we connect through DBCONNECT. To transfer the exchange rates from BW you co...
Hi Guys! I wanted to know if it is possible to change the size of part of the text of a title of a webi report. That is, configure that part of the text is of one size and the other part of another size. In the configuration of the format of th...
Hi Collages! I have created a hierarchy in bw on an infoobject, and I include this hierarchy in a query of a webi report. The version of SAP BO is 4.3 support Pack 1 Patch 12. I add a table to the webi report, I include the hierarchy in the line...