There is a job which extracts data from BW to Ecc so all of sudden it stopped.
When check it was saying no authorisation to RFC rsai, so we added s_rfc with values as *.
Now after doing this.. job failed with next error which says No authorisatio...
hello Sushma,
In my client environment , it is like that we have created some FIREFIGHTER ids such as one for finance , other for MM change etc. and whenever in any fiscal period any user need access to critical reports or transactions we assign t...
Hi Ganesh,
without sm19 audit log enable it is difficult to get the data, however you can get the last login time from usr02.
But, If your DB admin can retrieve a save of the database from that day then table USR02 will hold a little more infor...
Hi Sweety,
Step 3 will take care of all the changes from step 1 to step 2d . It captures everything, we just have to move the transport in next system.
Testing is done in your quality and again if there is any change , you will make change in d...