Member since ‎2017 Aug 08

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I want to pass the mac address from winform apps and open the MII system as below link: https://server:port/XMII/Illuminator?service=Personalization&MacAddress="; + macAddress; But when i login on the MIi system after input user name and password...
I find lots of connection closed error in log table and don't know why. The details please see below: I used MII 15.0 SP8; SQL SERVER 2016; SQLJDBC4 Anyone can help take a look?
Hi All: I used HTTP Post action to read Database status as below: server://XMII/Illuminator?service=SystemInfo&mode=Status&Content-Type=text/xml I used Basic authentication and it works fine until we open singe sign-on. I debugged the tran...
I have two dropdown list in the page, Shift and Shift clock, the requirement is the shift clock need to be updated automatically when the shift changed. Below is the code: <td class="objectField"></td> <td align="right">{##SHIFT}:</td> <td...
Currently double byte characters(Chinese) can be shown normally in IGrid. But when use IGrid's "data export raw as CSV" feature, in output CSV file, all of Chinese characters have been appeared as gibberish. And I tried to use saveAsCSVFile() functio...