Hello Gurus,
I'm a beginner with Variant Configuration and I'm trying to find a solution for one of my customer requirement but I'm facing an issue.
First, I use VC only in purchasing, so no VC in the manufacturing side neither on the sales side....
Hello Gurus,
I'd like to have the checkbox GI-based goods receipt (WABWE) ticked by default in all my STOs but I don't find any way to do it.
I implemented note 1677707 - Determining the value type for stock transport orders at the time of GI, an...
Hello Everybody,I'm facing an issue to manage physical quality sample at good receipt with WM and HUM.I'm in a situation where my warehouse is WM and HUM managed. I receive shipments from my vendor and I create manually inbound delivery where I pack ...
Hello Guru’sI would like to be able to split one SU in several SUs during a transfer order processing.Let take an example :SKU A with a Base UoM STThe SKU is package using two level of packaging1st level : Case (type C1) with 6 ST by Case2nd leve...
Dear All,This is my first message on this forum, please excuse me for my bad english (I'm French).I would like automaticaly round up the transfer requests quantity when I use the replenishment for production (LT01 -> mvt type 319 or LP12).In my compa...
Hello All,I was able to find a solution by myself
on this.The first think is that I should not
maintain default value in the material classification. The material
classification should be kept blankI create two dependencies (Tcode CU01)
and I indicat...
Hello Frederico,I know that the post is old and that you probably found a solution since then, but anyway I give you my solution if other people have the same problem.I knew from this post that it was possible to automatically trigger the picking on ...
Hello Alexis,
Why are you not using a return PO? In the return PO you can change the pricing condition and input whatever you want (ex : 105 EUR), after, you will be able to enter a credit memo for this amount.