Member since ‎2017 Jul 20

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Hello All, I have 5 AO workbooks. For example, each workbook contains like 6-8 tabs - reports + bex queries. Now I want to combine all the workbooks into one workbook with about 30 tabs in one workbook. Can you tell me how to do it? Is there an...
Hello SAP Experts, I am trying to use the FM CALL FUNCTION 'RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ' and in the exception I am getting the below error E DBMAN 305 ZBPC_HC03$X it is pointing to the cube. How to fix this error.
Hello SAP Experts, I am trying to read data from a BW standard cube using the function module 'RSDRI_INFOPROV_READ' . I am getting the SY_SUBRC =11 error. I don't know what is wrong with the code. I referred the KBA
Hello Guys, Can anyone retracted data from BPC real time cube to BW Standard cube. I plan to use the UJD Retract BADI. Is there anyway I can update the BW standard reporting cube using the BADI. I checked the FM CALL FUNCTION 'RSDRI_CUB...
Hello Experts, How to move the comments from the comment table * CMT to CMTA table. Is there any program to move the comments from comment table to comment archive table. I see the blog for audit data
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