Member since ‎2016 Jun 08

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  • 22 Posts
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Hi all, I've a BEx query (No Zere Suppression for Rows) that shows hierarchy for Accounts (show result never). In the free char i've Account Numb (show result never). if I drill down the free char Account Number, then: The row "CO" haven'...
Hi all, I can't run workbook in BO launch pad using a Training User. The Workbook was created by Developer User. But I can run workbook created by other Training Users (as copy of the previous one). Below the error message raised while I click...
Hi experts, i'd implement the scenario in picture, customizing a matchcode for a hierarchy node variable in BEx query. I already implemented it using BADI RSR_VARIABLE_F4_RESTRICT_BADI, but for each authorization node...
Dear all, i would get Cost Element Category from CSKB table, starting from GL Account in SKA1 Table. i would ... SKA1 Left Join CSKB ... to fill for each record in SKA1 a new field Cost Element Category. SKA1 in S/4 HANA has GL Acco...
Hi all,i'm trying to develop an MDG UI interface that get a file from local machine and upload file content in custom DB table.I created a new data model from existing one, i modified it according to the new requirements properly. I can run the appli...