Member since ‎2009 Sep 14

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We have an infoobject as infoprovider for doing planning in the attributes. We have made an Aggregation Level over the Infoobject to make the planning. We have a Query, where we have some input variables. We have seen that when the user1 enter...
Hi, I am facing the next problem. I have created an aggregation level based on a infoobject, but when I try to save new data on description (the medium text) from AFO, when changing and saving a new description an error appears: Medium descript...
Hello, Is there any possibility for execute a package from a macro, to execute always. I am using the next sentence in the VBA code: epm.DataManagerRunPackage "XXXX", "XXXX", "" and I want to be executed at the moment that the VBA code is exe...
Hi, i need your help to build an epmoverride formula. I have some variables in the filter, so I have to make a epmoverride formula to override the row axis. I want to do something like this: ALL(dimensión) AND (attribute or attribute) but ...
Hi gurus,I have read in many forums that there is starter for liquidity planning in SAP BPC. But all the threads that have links are not working I can't find information about this Starter kit and I need to know where can I get it. I need it for SAP ...