Member since ‎2017 May 18

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Hi All, We have developed a custom code in which, whenever there is any change in the production order we store the production order number in a custom table using BADI - WORKORDER_UPDATE. A third party system then reads the data from this table usin...
Hi All, I am trying to update the date/times (Earliest - setup ,processing , teardown / Latest - setup , processing , teardown) using CLOI_CHANGES_UPL_45. It is only updating one record and I found out that the FM updates only once within an (exter...
Hi All, I want to send the material classification details to a third party system. There are two scenarios which I have. 1. When the third party system wants material configuration details(characteristics value of a material) associated with a ...
Hi , I am trying to retrieve contact person data based on the email id using BOL programming in custom Function Module . Below is the code : Data : lr_core TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_core....
Hi, I have an attribute ZZINV_25 in context node BTAdminH of component BTCATEGORIES. I have to make this field read-only when I click on Save Button . The method EHONSAVE is present in a different Component SRQM_INCIDENT_H . Initially I changed...