Member since ‎2009 May 21

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  • 92 Posts
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Hi, I am trying to find out an error regarding some logic in my map. Please find below next source and target structures: The logic required is next one: each field is a map to map, excepts on the ones named "field". Segment is 0..1 so it is...
Hi Gurus, I have to design a simple FILE to proxy interface. The file has a header with field names, and everything is separated by comma. This is the way the file is coming: A,B,C 1, name1, id 1, name2, id 1, name3, id So header is A...
Hi Gurus,I am wondering is this must be posted in a BASIS forum but I'll try here anyway.We were proposed to use SAP PI 7.31 single stack version as ESB in our company for non SAP critical aplications (mostlike Web Services) for 200 new interfaces.Th...
Hi Gurus,I have a concern on an existing interface in our PI 7.31 single stack version: there's an interface that has some data on a local database and that data need to go to ECC. When the data reachs ECC then ECC must response with the status of th...
Hi guys,We are facing some new issues for an existing interface. This is an asynch JDBC receiver interface, where ECC sends some information to update only 4 fields (using also 4 keys) into an informix database.This interface has gone live for a year...
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