Member since ‎2006 Aug 30

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  • 13 Posts
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As the title says I have to join 2 tables one with a column that has a guid in c32 format to another table that has the same guid but in C22 format. A further complication is that the 1st table's guid is actually in a generic nvarchar(50) instead of ...
I'm having an issue with hash tables - in combination with reference variables.Consider the following: (Which is part of a class) - it attempts to see if a particular id exists in a table; if not add it; if yes change it. types: BEGIN OF TY_M...
I'm running webdynpro on basis 700 - I'm looking for a way to add additional customer auth object checks to an existing SAP web dynpro application. When I go the methods tab, I only see a Pre-Exit & Post-Exit button; no Overwrite Exit button. I t...
I'd like to call one method with the results of another method and I keep getting the error 'The field XYZ(' is unknown but there is a field with a similar name' Error.Consider the simple example below:CLASS ZLCL_HELPER DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. ...
In SE19 when trying to activate an SAP delivered implementation of a badi I'm prompted for an object key for the implementation class. fyi Running ECC6 on Basis 7 kb14. Go to SE19Display badi FIAA_BW_DELTA_UPDATEGo to environment menu, choose act...
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