Hi all iam making blocked alv programe.In the below code if i want to display in Second block the list of Material Types with No. of materials in each type than what should be the approach for this logic.TYPE-POOLS: slis.TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_mara ...
hi iam new to abap can anyone help me in converting a alv_list programme into alv_grid.I just need to know what r the changes i need to make.below is the code.************************************************************************TYPE-POOLS: slis.TY...
iam getting all the field name in columns but data is not being displayed.please review my code.type-pools:slis.tables: YTMOHIT_01.data: itab type standard table of YTMOHIT_01.data: wa type YTMOHIT_01.data report_id like sy-repid.SELECTION-SCREEN BEG...
iam new to abap.In this report i have to calculate no of days employed for an employee i.e sy-date - joining-date, but its giving wrong o/p.please review my code give the correct solution.REPORT ypr_mohitsingh_ex02 .TABLES ytmohi...
Hi ,You can use FM ISU_TAX_DETERMINE_CODE_SELECT' and then create tax lines using FM FKK_TAX_LINES_CREATE.Let me know if you need further details.Mohit
Hi dhwani,In first alv block iam material type material no and material decsription .so in second alv block if i want to display the no of each material type such as if on selection screen iam choosing range from coup to dien than the second block sh...