Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Member since ‎2004 Feb 02

User Statistics

  • 38 Posts
  • 5 Solutions
  • 2 Kudos given
  • 1 Kudos received

User Activity

We just made it easier to find the latest articles sorted by Product in the SCN Article Library. If you click on the top level navigation entry called “Articles” you’ll find a link to the Articles by Product page in the left hand navigation. Here you...
About a year ago we introduced user ratings and reviews on articles, eLearnings and downloads. This functionality was quickly adopted by SCN members. To date many assets have been rated and members have posted some very insightful and useful reviews....
In our continuous effort to improve findability in the SAP Community Network (SCN) search application we recently introduced "Best Bets" functionality. This allows us to surface the best content available on a particular topic. Best Bets are editoria...
Last week I was able to to attend the Gilbane Conference in San Francisco. For those not familiar with the Gilbane Group (and that included me before I was invited to this event), they are an analyst and consulting firm who track developments and tre...
We just added a whole new area where you can find the latest documents sorted by Topic from our SDN & BPX Article Library. If you click on the top level navigation entry called “Articles” you’ll find a link to the “Articles by Topic” page in the left...
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