Hi All,
This document covers how to pass parameters from Child node of Custom Object on selection to the Standard QC (here Ticket) binded to a button to open a Standard ticket QC screen from a custom business object child node.
Note: We dont have a...
I have a requirement to use a field created for ticket to use it as a placeholder while creating a template.
Is it possible to do so ?
We are getting error logs as attached below as url and image . We are trying to find the errors on Web service monitoring but there is no erroneous message.
How can we figure which logs are these and why are we getting this ?
Is there any way to ...
We want the last code changes on the PROD to be on the test as there some changes done directly on the PROD tenant. So could it be possible to download a copy of PROD and upload on test ?
Thanks Siraj, but I have a different requirement.
I dont need placeholders in workflow rules.
I need it when we create a template for adding as attachment in email.
In C4C system, we have service BO and in that we have Template tab.
Hi Felipe,
Cud u help in the below issues ?
We have moved solution from test to live tenant.
The master layout for the test has also been moved to production.
The issue is that earlier a team has done different change directly on production accor...