Member since ‎2009 Jun 17

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An expert configuration request is required for some configurations(ex:Purchase Account Management).Please tell me where and how to register Worldwide Customer Requests.
After creating a new movement type("Z01") by copying the existing movement type("201"), I want to connect a new account in "Automatic Account Determination" by modifying the “Account Modification” value of “account grouping” as the blow picture.Howev...
I want to know which configuration setting is used to define the account for splitting the production price difference in s/4 hana public cloud.In "Event-Based WIP and Variance Posting", there is only an account setting for wip, but no g/l account se...
I want the purchase account to be posted to the FI document when create G/R and I/V document.(Scope Item J45).I know that in public cloud Purchase Account Processing is active for company code in countries France (FR), Italy (IT), Spain (ES), Belgium...
Hi.Can I monitor the cost using Statistical project when I post asset transactions directly to assets in S/4 AHAN public cloud ?
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