Hello Deepak,if the reconciliation key can closed is depend from the status of the return lot (DFKKRK-STARS).Check the status of the lot, it could be that status is 3 or 4, then is a closing of the rec. key not possible:3 Postings incomplete4 Posting...
Hello Paresh,the profit center determination during tr. FPE1 occurs via the used transaction/subtransaction. To this tr. is the CO assignm., defined in posting area R001, via entry in the field "CO acct assignment" and "CO acc. ass".Best regards.Chr...
Hello K@$TURI,are the posted transactions the cumulation transactions? If yes, for this transactions occurs no account determination.Otherwise is it necessary to define the account determination in the posting area R001 (Tr. EK02). The G/L account sh...
Hello Charvi,Have you allow the option partial write- off for the used write-off reason?SPRO:> Financial Accounting (New) > Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable > Business Transactions > Write-Offs > Define Write-Off Reasons...
Hi Paresh, check the origin of this documents and then check the potential posting areas, CO-assignments (cost center), contract, contract account,....Good luck!Regards.Christiane