I'm trying to extend(extend with a copy of original code) the standard S/4 Hana Fiori application controller.
As the standard extension hook methods provided were not inline with my requirement, I need to write custom functions.
My Goal is ...
Hi All,
I had extended the multiproject overview SAP Fiori application.
Extended means:- viewReplacement for multiproject view and controllerExtensions for multiproject controller.
However, the default navigation when we click on table line ite...
Can we update Opportunity Status when projectStage field in CPM is changed.
Below is my scenario CPM -> CPI -> C4C
When user changes project stage in CPM, we need to check the condition and set the opportunity status accordingly.
i.e for ...
I have a fragment from which I would like to read multiple sap.ui.layout.form values.
Since i had used .clone() functionality to add the rows dynamically, i would like to read all the form values at a single shot instead of accessing byId() f...
I'm creating custom F4 help screens same as Smart Field with Value Help.
UI screen flow is from view1.view.xml->fragment1->fragment2.
For both fragment1 & fragment2, im calling from view1.controller.js and i had used addDependent().
Hi @marcusholger.erb
Happy to join the learners club of this course.
Since this course went through 7 months of intense planning , even though its 5min video, every second and every min is loaded with meaningful content.
I was always interested...
Hi Keren Rotenberg,Thanks for heads up!!Will there be any option to migrate all our projects from “Web IDE Full stack trail Neo” to “Business Application Studio”???Also looks like trail version for SAP Cloud foundry lasts for 90days only..Post that s...
Hi Sabina,
Have you checked this url https://blogs.sap.com/2016/12/26/cant-see-your-sap-web-ide-deployed-changes-at-runtime-maybe-you-are-doing-it-wrong./
As in the above blog, we should not import the standard fiori application and make changes.
Hi spandanabollu ,
Thanks for your blog.
I tried your steps but im ending up with the below error.
Any advice is deeply appriciated.If possible, can you share the project code
S. Natarajan