I should edit the DBADMIN password of my HANA Cloud instance on Cloud Foundry. I tried to use the native functionality to do it:Database Overview > User Management > DBADMIN > Edit > I have added the new password > Save (see figure below)
I'm trying to implement the custom-authentication described in the official CAP doc https://cap.cloud.sap/docs/node.js/authentication#custom
I know there is a similar question here https://answers.sap.com/questions/13128256/how-to-implement-c...
Hi ,I have resolved the issue using the last CAP npm modules versions.Tip: I suggest to use Business Application Studio in place of Web IDE for this kind of developments.Luca
Hi Divya,
thanks a lot for your answer. We have implemented the SAPUI5 web app deployed on SCP that calls API Proxy (using destination AppToAppSSO) and we have followed the first part of the blog, but like Rossano, I receive this error executing the...