Member since ‎2016 Jul 25

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Hi all, My purpose to modify Gruntfile.js is to: 1. write QUnit for private function, ref to 2. We got several .css files in css folder, we want to merge all .c...
Hi, I met a problem, when I click "more" button, it'll load table binding data cyclicly. xml: <Table id="taskTable" growing="true" growingScrollToLoad="false" growingThreshold="50"> <columns> <Column> <Text text="object id"/> </...
I use Fiori element - List Report, and generated UI by annotations in CDS views. Then I use BOPF(with draft mechanism) to support draft mechanism. The Facet 1 is generated by annotation. But the text is shown as plain text, which experience is ...
I use List Report template in the frontend, and CDS+BOPF(with draft mechanism) in the backend to support data display and change. Then it generates object page's facet UI by annotations like this: And it supports draft mechanism, when you click ...
I add an <sap.m.Tree>. When I click the subnode, it sent http request to fetch data with huge $top value, which makes failure. How can I solve it? view.xml: <Tree id="subtaskTree" > <StandardTreeItem title="{object_id}"/> </Tree> controller.js...