Hi All,
Is it possible to Customize Standard Components which are part of Lumira 2.2 Designer.
For example is it possible to Customize Dimension Filter Component.
Or we have to write the code for it from scratch.
Swapnil Kulkarni
Hi All,
Working on SAP BO 4.2 SP5 with Lumira 2.2.
We have a dashboard with Universe (Based on FM's) as a data source.
While collecting performance statistics did notice that for every data source 'Start service BICS_PROVIDER_RELATIONAL_SOURCE...
Hi All,
We are working on AFO 2.6 SP3.
If I convert a Crosstab into Formula I could see all formulas like below.
SAPGetData("DS_1";"Incoming Orders";"Region=France";"Product=Services")
But if I tried to do add 'Germany' in Region it is not...
Hi All,
Working on 4.2 SP5 environment.
Have a Webi report based on multiple data sources which is BEx. Prompts are merged.
When trying to refresh this report getting 'processDPCommandsEx' API Error with below description.
'An internal error...
Hi All,
Recently we upgraded out BI Platform from 4.2 SP3 to 4.2 SP5. Post this also upgraded Lumira 1.31 to Lumira 2.1.
Somehow post this SAP ERP 6 (JCO) Driver are not accessible in IDT and all connection with SAP ERP 6 driver is causin...
Hi Martin,
When happening is if I use 'getSelectionKeysBexReady(true)' method though I am selecting a Hierarchy Node it is listing out everything under that node including Node it self.
For example if Hierarchy is like
-> C
Hi Bence,
Did used workaround from SAP Note. It worked first time and then again report started giving the same error.
But after changing value of the "Maximum Parallel Queries" parameter to 0 we are able to refresh the report now.
Hi Ayman,
Did check files and directories mentioned by you, all required files and directories were present.
But it did direct me to an SAP Note
<em>2056237 - BI 4.x IDT: Not able to see the list of relational databases in repository r...
Hi Denis,
#Accessibility of drivers in IDT usually has nothing to do with platform/ lumira upgrades
I am creating/modifying connections BO Repository Resources area which represents BO Platform. Prior to upgrade SAP ERP 6 JCO drivers were availab...