I had created a ODATA service with vocabulary based annotations where sort and filter property is not showing and if i bind to smart table sort and filter operation not working
If i create a OData service with project type Service with Vocabulary-Based Annotations filter and sort options are not showing and not working for smart table.Is there any specific blog or document.Thx in Advance.
Hi Peter,We have used EAM_LOG_CI* Business Function set.I didn't find any suitable enhancement spots in the program I_ORDER_OPERATION_LIST_SEL, Enhancement spots which are available are already switched off.Thanks.
Hi Peter,Thanks for your response.We need Field key to be displayed in the IW37N selection screen input and in the ALV output.But in IW37 we achieved it through activation of Business function sets.
Hi,We already activated the Business function set LOG_EAM_CI_2. Still we are not able to see field key in the selection screen input of IW37N.Could you please guide me how to achieve this.
Hi Krishna, In my scenario there are 2 companies (say xyz,cde) using FLP where both the company logo's are different . When xyz company user has logged in we must show their company logo and cde company user has logged in we must their company log...