Member since ‎2013 Jul 16

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Hi all. In SAP B1 Integration Framework using Call B1 Batch atom is it possible to define request in such a way that the parameters of the second DiCall depend on the result of the first DiCall? For example. I want to create sales order and log D...
Hello,I have got an issue when posting StockTramsfer with Batch Number and Bin Allocations via DI Server. Here is my XML Request (I'm trying to move three batches from three different locations to one location).<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>...
Hello.Anybody knows how to add current date to file name uploaded by FTP.Accordfing to documentations I tried: File_name[yyyy]-[mm]-[dd].txt but it seems to not work.Anyone can help?Regards,Pawel
Hi.I have a problem with the form in which the matrix is placed inside the folder.In design mode it looks like below:Unfortunatelly when form maximizes or resizes the ugly effect appers.The frame surrounding the folder does not resizes as matrix does...
Hi.I have a problem with row deletion on Matrix.After row is deleted sum of particullar column disappers.Here are my parts of my code:1) Definition of sum for column         oColumn = (SAPbouiCOM.Column)oMatrix1.Columns.Item("cQuan");        oColumn....