i want to change received storage loc.(afpod-lgort) field depend on work center.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_header> TYPE LINE OF cobai_t_header.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_item> TYPE LINE OF cobai_t...
Dears,I want to learn best way to manage sap reports depend on languages.For example, there are 3 factories as Turkey, England and Germany.These factories' users can use same smartforms. We want to that if its Turkey factory system should select Turk...
Dears,i have a problem about sorting.For example: SELECT * UP TO 1 ROWS FROM ztable INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_table WHERE zsifseq LE 2 ORDER BY zsifseq DESCENDING zssequ4 DESCENDING.Before:(in the tabl...
Dears,i have a table like that:DATA: BEGIN OF it_display OCCURS 0, zodb(20) TYPE c, zmonth01 TYPE i, zmonth02 TYPE i, zmonth03 TYPE i, zmonth04 TYPE i, zmonth05 TYPE i, END O...
Hi,i defined field symbol like this: FIELD-SYMBOLS: <LFS_01> .i changed it_demand-fsc_seq field type from num2 to num3..i have below loop..LOOP AT it_demand. MOVE-CORRESPONDING it_demand TO IT_OUT. CONCATENATE 'IT_OUT-DMD' it_demand-fs...
DATA: lv_lgort TYPE lgort_d.
CLEAR lv_lgort.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_header> TYPE LINE OF cobai_t_header.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_item> TYPE LINE OF cobai_t_item.
LOOP AT it_header ASSIGNING <fs_header>.
Yes i agree.. The fiels has only numbers exist.And it is used in production system so i dont want to change data type..i think that if i change the data like this:from 3 to 0003 and from 12 to 0012 ; it seems problem will be solved.Thank you very mu...
The colums data type is Char..Actually i didnt create that table.Began of project the table was defined as this.and this table is used other programs also.so i'm not sure about changing data type.Is there any other way?