Fashion Retail One Solution Demo Video:
Submission Details
Solution Name:
Fashion Retail One
Solution Description:
This application is a complete suite that cover all the processes in the context of a fashion reseller (purchase,sell,wareh...
Good morning,does someone has got some code about using InventoryPostingService with batch numbers?In every manner I do that I've got always the same error (cause for sap b1 there's not sufficient quantity selected in batches).Thank you in advance
Hi Mostafa,I’m very confused about te use of truster manager / certicates , regarding calls of B1 Service Layer. Step by step, my questions are: Is it really a mandatory thing? There’s not an option to do the same thing without ssl certificate? With ...
Thank you so much Pedro,I'm going to open a ticket to SAP (it's really the first for me about DI...).I think it's very important to understand if this is a bug or something else.I'll post here the result.Bye.
Hi Pedro,only one (ehm...two) more things: 1) Can you post the complete proof of concept of the code you used to reproduce the issue?2) You say that this is reproducible by client. If I'm not wrong in my test all works fine by client.Thank you.
Hi,I get the document in XML format and there's no a blank batchnumber/quantity.So I think it's not an error due to the position of the "Add()" method. I also checked the presence of an "item(0)" in the object, but it doesn't exist.So at this point: ...
Thank you Pedro,I know that thing but it seems in this case it's not so, but I'm going to try it, anyway.I'll let you know asap if it is only a problem related to this.