Member since ‎2017 Jan 02

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Hi, I am working in sap webide trial environment. Today when i opened the environment I saw the following error in the console: 9:41:30 AM (hat) Failed to obtain Mobile Service info: 400 (undefined) Then I tried to build packaged app and i r...
Hi, I am trying to create a sapui5 Fiori offline application. I am using the following guide to define parameters in the appConfig.js file:
Hi, I have an existing project based on the sap application template in which I would like to add offline capabilities. In Ludo post:
Hi Community, I'm working on a project using oData CRUD. I have a list of tasks in which the user should be able to add records and work on them and only then send it to backend. Is it possible to add records to the model so it will be presente...
Hi, We would like to check the option to create offline oData based app. It seems that things are changing rapidly in this area and it's almost impossible to track the changes ... I found the Full Stack offline tutorial (whice it tot...