Member since ‎2014 Dec 04

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  • 29 Posts
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Hi EveryoneWe have some questions about sending attachments with Service Layer (B1 V10.0 PL02).Our goal is to create a signed PDF document, attach it to a delivery document, and send it to BP's contact E-Mail. Signing document, attaching it to the de...
Hello, experts:I'm making an SQL to retreive some data form Stock Transfers. I'm usin OWTR to get the main info, WTR1 for lines, and IBT1 for batchs, but I can't find the allocation info.The SDK help says that INV19 is the table I'm looking for, some...
Hello, experts: Basically, the title ask everything. I created a User Defined Field in the Production Order Stage, SAP BO allow me to do that. Usually, every element on DI-API has a UserFields field to get and set any UDF: marketing documents, tran...
Hello experts: We did some time ago a C# WebApi that allows a sales person to do their work using a mobile phone. This WebApi was developed for SAP9.2 and was working for more than 3 years without problems. Recently, we migrated to SAP10, so we t...
Hello, experts: I'm trying to install SAP 10 for HANA 2.0. I downloaded the guide "How to install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP2 for SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA", document version 1.0.0 - 2020-11-10. I downloaded the SLES 15 SP2 f...
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