Hi Dimiter,I go through and compare the network trace logs which you provided for android and iOS. I found some issues for iOS platform.For the failed request POST "/RTOP/Users('')/SAP__self.LogonToWarehouseResource", iOS client do not send "x-csrf-t...
Hi Dimiter,I need more information and confirm with you:Does your backend need CSRF token for any CUD call? Does GET call work fine?Could you share your mobile application configuration and proxy endpoint configuration for the failed backend?Could yo...
Hi Sangamesh,
Sorry for the late reply. I have some questions about this issue.
1, I want to confirm that 'crash log' keeps not working or sometimes not working?
2, Is client usage data uploading work?
3, Could you try to create a new application...
Hi Sangamesh,From the error log, it means ‘crash logs’ is not enabled in your application. I suspect that your mobile service application is still in old mode. If you can see the notification from mobile service cockpit like below:Please upgrade your...