Member since ‎2010 Mar 17

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Hello All, Our requirement is to query a GraphQL based api from CPI and push the response to C4C for ticket creation and customer creation. So we are able to fetch the Bearer token for OAuth based authentication in CPI but when I try to push the ...
Hello , We have created and ODATA service project in CPI using the standard odata API from C4C in order to expose only required entities and necessary fields within via CPI. Its working all right except the underlying issue: We are getting 400 ...
Hello Experts, User->OData(GET)->CPI/HCI->OData(GET)->C4C We need to create and expose an OData service from HCI/CPI which will consumes a receiver standard OData service from C4C. End user needs to Query ODATA url from HCI and fetch selected few...
Hello Experts, I am working on PO 7.5. Scenario is a File to RFC asynchronous scenario where in a certain case(Shipment in edit mode) RFC will be throwing custom exception. as 'Shipment Locked'. So in such cases PI messages show a HOLD status and R...
Hello Experts, I have configured CBMA on our newly upgraded java only system PO 7.5 I have set up all the steps as per following blog: 1.Created Alert Rule in...