Member since ‎2011 Jan 09

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Hi, What is the recommended way for material master mass update for the following scenario? 1. more than million records 2. Update few material master fields 3. One time update I have looked into MM17, MASS, LSMW, BAPI ...
Hi, I have a custom field added to a standard SAP table (Customer fields in PO header). This custom table uses a check table and the entries in check table are used for F4 help of the Z field. Now I need to restrict the F4 values displayed for the ...
Hello, We have done some abap developments in HANA system(sap suite on HANA). The same functionality is required for another department which is non-HANA (ECC). Is there any sap tool/ checklist available to analyse the ABAP objects when moving fro...
Hi,I have a smartform and the input data to the smartform is sent as a internal table containing text line items. Spacing, line alignment etc are taken care in the data in internal table lines itself. So this internal table is just looped in the MAIN...
Hi,I have a report which uses logical database PNPCE to fetch employee data and macros like rp_provide_from_last to read infotypes. INFOTYPES: 0001 name gtab1,002 name gtab2.rp_provide_from_last gtab1 space pn-begda pn-enddarp_provide_from_last gtab2...
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