Dear Friends,Is there any solution for India Localization of SAP B1 9.1 where one single supplier or customer having different control account.Manually we can select the control account at time of AP or AR. But is it possible without changing. I am e...
Dear All,I am trying to load opening balance for item master with respect to Batch data through dtw, but i couldnt error message cannot add row without complete selection of Batch/ Serial data.I have attached my template. Regarding this i have chec...
Dear Friends,I have searched the topic for fixed asset import and transaction flow given by you experts. Still i am not getting proper flow idea. Can you expert guide me to business flow about fixed asset.My question is about how to load the previous...
Dear Friends,I am working sap b-1 9.1 version and trying to upload my Master data, Transaction Data through DTW. Here i am facing unsuccessful import and with a system message as shown below.I tried uninstalling and also tried with different system...
Dear Friends,I am trying to enter inventory transfer based on inventory transfer request . This inventory transfer request consist of row level udf data. While when i use copy from or copy to the target document it should copy all row data but its n...
Hi,You can try by this FMS , change the user code and cost center code as you required ensure you don't set "refresh regular"Select case when (select top 1 UserCode from USR5 where SessionID = @@SPID and Source = 'SBO_Client' and Date <= GETDATE() o...
Hi Dick,You can't delete the draw but you can "hide" it from the user view using the UI Configuration Template under Utilities in Administration module. By this way you can restore back the drawer in future requirement.Regards:Balaji.S
Hi Atul,From morning i am repeating sameObject type =13 for AR invoice Object type =15 delivery . Based on the above value that particular screen will be not allow to add.You try for one of the document with the correct object type
Hi Atul,Take some initiative to check on the commands. When you copy paste and trying to alter as per your requirementIn the image Closing Bracket missing Regards:Balaji.S
Hi ,When condition is true for below then will block. As item belonging to this group and track no is null then it will block the document while adding. If the item belong to other group then without track no it will allow add the document( c.ItmsGr...