Member since ‎2016 Oct 17

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Using SAP Crystal Reports 2016 Support Pack 5 I have made one dual axis line graph with Markers. It is showing me correct as expected output. There is one Data 2 Title property in Chart Options I am entering text in Data 2 Title. after saving,...
capture.jpgRecently I had a condition of Crystal Report export to Word document. Our report had images and logos. When exported to word document, the images and logos shrink. The size of image in report has Width of 2.5 CM and Height o...
I have to show Remarks at the end of the Summarized fields in Cross tab. How can I achieve it? My Remarks field is String and it has to be displayed last column. Attached screenshot is the excel sample
I have a conditional detail section where the condition is : Suppress if Qty = 0 The output I get is as below:Record Number .....Description .....Qty1............................. pencil .............33............................. pen ...............
How can I achieve the date in "DD MMM YYYY" format in formula field of Crystal report. I have one formula, where I am concatenating the Country name with the Date. It takes the system format when the report is generated.How can I fix the format to ...