Hi,The runtime object of XSC hdbrole should be given in hdbgrants file similar to normal SQL roles. Yes, you need to create user-provided services (ups) to grant the role to the container so that the tables in the classic schema can be used.ThanksHar...
Hi,There are only two types of Spatial columns in HANA, ST_POINT, and ST_GEOMETRY.Here ST_GEOMETRY is the supertype of all the other geometry types. That means all the other types would be under ST_GEOMETRY. So to declare a Polygon using ST_POLYGON, ...
Hi,Your column definition has 6 columns but your insert statement has only 5 values. The error is correct.You've provided 2 spatial columns but given value for only one, Fix that, it would work fine.Thanks
Hi Denis,Try using the conversion function, TO_SECONDDATE, in the calculated column.Example:Conversion from date:
select to_seconddate('30.09.2020') from dummy;
Conversion from DateTime:
select to_seconddate(to_date('30.09.2020 11:00:00.0')) from du...
Hi bande_ramesh91,Your procedure has a couple of syntax issues. Please fix that.1. The VAR1 assignment should end with a semicolon(;) and that's why you are getting syntax error - (line no 11)2. After fixing the above you would get an error at OUT_TA...