Member since ‎2016 Feb 10

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I have done setting of Automatic Batch Determination Based on Shelf Life and it's working fine when I create delivery order.(I have done required configuration and created batch search strategy by VCH1) Now I have a new requirement.And that is, ins...
Hello all. I did following steps. 1. Returnable Packaging Shipments (Returnable Package is in stock of customer Z with special stock V.) 2. Returnable Packaging Issue (Because customer Z did not return package, It should be sold to customer Z.)...
Hi Experts,I have a requirement which I need to know whether PO item is added or not in user exit "EXIT_SAPLEBND_002"(PO Release user exit).The Import parameter "IT_BEKPO" seems not have some kind of flag. (I,U,D, etc)And I also checked program"SAPLM...
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