Hello experts,
I am struggling with a stubborn problem in a SAP ME/MII scenario. To be precise, it is a SAP MII transaction call via a SAP ME POD button and the associated error handling.
The following problem arises: The button activity c...
Hello experts,
I have a requirement regarding customisation of the available columns in a list element of the SAP ME POD (no matter which type)
Specifically, it is about the list of next steps after pressing the Complete button. (PR510]
Hello Community,
I am desperately trying to implement a customer requirement for link scripting in non-conformance routings. (SAP ME 15.5)
The following concrete problem exists:
I need to make a different "next step" decision due to a property...
Hi Steve,we use the MII version XMII and the ME version SAPMECORE .I am almost afraid that a SAP Incident is needed here. BR Christoph
Hi Steve, I would like to thank you again for your support. Unfortunately, your customization suggestion did not lead to the desired result. The problem still exists. In the meantime I have created a very simple test setup and also here I come to the...
Hi Steve, thanks for your quick reply. Attached are the details I can provide on your questions.We are using the following component versions:SAPMECORE 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000.5.0.0MII_ADMIN 1000.15....
Hello Sergiy,Thank you very much for your answer. This is exactly the dialogue I am talking about and unfortunately I was already afraid of something like this. Thank you for your solutions. I will check the individual options with the customer. Ques...