Hi Guru,I am facing performance issue in J1IF01 processing, after checking sql trace the query and table J_1IEXCDTL taking long timeSELECT SINGLE MAX( cpudt ) MAX( docno ) docyr INTO (tmp_date, tmp_docno, tmp_docyr) FROM j_1iexcdtl WH...
Dear Experts,Can I run BSP page without going for new license for login ID in SAP ?. If I save login ID and Password in se80 and run BSP page in multiple PC, then is it be ok from SAP means they will not create issue for single ID multiple Logins at ...
Hi,I am sending sms url from sap to http as provided by third party.below codewf_string = 'URL provided by thridparty'.CALL METHOD cl_http_client=>create_by_url EXPORTING url = wf_string IMPORTING client = http_client EXCEPTIONS argument_not_found = ...
Hi ZubairPlease use into corresponding fields of table instead of into table in select query.because you have not included all fields in internal table also fields name are not same.INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE IT_KEPH
Hi khurram nagi,I think you have to create range table of vkbur for using IN operator in select query. For example:data: t_vkbur type range of vbak-vkbur, w_vkbur like line of t_vkbur.***Fill t_vkbur for one company code.and then use vkbur IN t...