Member since ‎2015 Mar 17

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  • 31 Posts
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Hi All, We are using SAP PO 7.4 B2B add on, in all of sudden we are encountering with EDI conversion issue as follows, Message could not be forwarded to the JCA adapter. Reason: Dangling meta character * near index 0 MP: exception ...
Hi All, Need your advice in resolving the below issue, While picking the files FTP sender Communication channel is throwing below errors, Error: FTPEx: 520 unexpected reply code Control connection prematurely closed by server. Error: FTPEx: 4...
Hi,I have a requirement to copy(archive) the out going file in local PO server. So I have configured the Message Archive Module in receiver FTP channel, but files are not archiving.Module Parameters:archiveBaseDir D:\EXP archiveF...
We have a B2B inbound scenario in SAP PO 7.4. Our Partner is facing with MIC mismatch errors ? Please let me know what are the possibilities to get this kind of errors?with the same partner my outbound scenarios are working well. We have imported pa...
Hello experts,I am working on SAP with Sales force integration a synchronous scenario . I am trying to fetch only the Body part of the soap response message, but my below xslt is not producing desired output. Response Message structure:<soapenv:Envel...