Member since ‎2014 Sep 11

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  • 44 Posts
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Hi, I am trying to get an access token from the gateway server by passing the SAML2.0 assertion. However, I am getting error as :{ "error": "invalid_grant", "error_description": "Provided authorization grant is invalid. Exception was Error in ST pr...
Hi,I have used navigation list item to display nodes based on the 1st level root nodes in my master view. Now the requirement got changed and the child nodes can be up to any levels. Also, a user can add or delete or those nodes. Currently, we are on...
Hi,We have implemented all HR related Fiori applications.When a user approves or rejects any work item from applications like Approve Leave Request, Approve Travel Request etc., a count is not getting refreshed on the launchpad in IE. It displays the...
Hi,I have implemented my inbox application and i can see all the pending workitems in the app.Now I am  trying to embed sap ui5 application into the detail view of  my inbox app when the user clicks on the corresponding workitems.I followed the note ...
Hi,We have a requirement where we need to copy standard odata service SRA009_SRV of Approve travel expense.Since this service has been built using class builder, I am not sure whether it can be copied directly like we do  in SEGW.Please help me.