Member since ‎2015 Jun 26

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Hi While parking the documents there were certain auto generated tax related line itemsThese items are visible only during simulation but system does not save the account assingment inputs at simulation level.How to include account assignment for aut...
Hiin case of parked documents, if we want a particular user only to authorize how to control that only the authorised person is enabled to approve the particular documentRegardsAnuradha
Dear expertsWhile an incoming payment is processed with open item selection mode - distribute by age, how to exclude certain items.RegardsAnuradha
HiWe are all of a sudden facing this error in F-28 while entering incoming payments ' "stale cheques not allowed".  Please help. RegardsAnuradha
HiIn the import PO the calculation procedure is not getting updated. What should be checked from finance side. We have already update the vendor master correctly with the schema group, vendor     RegardsAnuradha