Hi everybody,I changed the company, so I got a new S-User (and becuase of this a SCN-User, too). My old SCN User was called "tobias.maurer", my new one is "tobias_maurer". Is there a possibility to migrate the user?Thanks and regardsTobias Maurer
Hi Philipp,
thank you so much. I had the same problem and your procedure solved it. I am asking myself if this is also working in Fiori 3.0 or if we have to change it again...
Hello Karun,
we had the same issue and was able to solve it:Delete the annotation "@Analytics.query: true" or set it to "false" should solve the issue.
If you need this annotation, you could make a "view on view" on top of this CDS and set it the...
I was able to delete the Parameter DoNotLogoutResources and "Server is overloaded" message still doesn't appear. As I said, we only got this message if USer was locked, so maybe we had another issue than you...
I also found a (different) solution for us: We got "server is overloaded" if the SAP User which SAML2 tries to authenticate, was password locked. So I set the Parameter: ume.logon.allow_password_locked_users_sso_login from "false" to "true".RegardsTo...