Member since ‎2011 Oct 29

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Hello,looking to find where this is stored in the process order tables? This is located on the master data tab of an order and is a structure, RC68H-NNAME. I have not been able to find this information in the order tables, could use some help if anyo...
I have a material in main plant that is to be sent to another processing plant. Process is create UB PO for item, then create OBD from this PO. Pick SU(s) to OBD and then PGI OBD. Process in receiving plant is to receive via MIGO the OBD. Flows to IN...
Looking to see if there is a way to set up storage bins and have them be excluded from continuous inventory. I know you can exclude by storage type, but we have some bins that should be excluded from inventory counts that are in the same storage type...
Have a question regarding creation of OBD STO. PO is created for material to transfer to plant, without a batch. When the OBD is generated this flows through and then using LT03 to create the TO from the supplying plant, can you set this to fail (LT0...
There has been a question if we could at the time the TO is created to move to the PSA that upon confirmation it could auto GI to process order. Has anyone had a similar request from the business? We are using the manual staging for some of the mater...