Hello Collegues,I need to translate the Group Header Text from English to German when i am configuring the UIBB in the FPM.Can anyone help me on this?Thanks.
Hello Friends,Please find my queries below:1. I have already build up the field catalog in the method GET_DEFINITION and Configured the fields in UIBB using a Custom Feeder class. Now i want to add another field(column) dynamically at run-time (throu...
Hi Experts,In Adobe form, I have hardcoded a text inside the Script Editor.Now i need to maintain translation for it in another language. Is it possible?I have checked option Goto -> Translation. But that text is not available there.Kindly give me s...
Dear SAP Gurus,We are facing a problem where in Org Units in Infotype 0001 are not getting defaulted after running the RHINTE reports. We have done the integration between OM <--> PA, however after running the RHINTE reports the org unit is shown as ...
Hello SAP Gurus,We are facing a problem, we have implemented the modules of PA & OM, while performing initial action of Hiring, there is a problem in terms of defaulting positions, the default positions normally should appear as 99999999, but of rece...
"After fetching all data, loop through the internal table updating the required value
LOOP AT itab INTO wa.
wa-lmnga = wa-insul * wa-lmnga. " Multiply
MODIFY itab FROM wa INDEX sy-tabix TRANSPORTING lmnga. " Update value
Create an include for example zinclude and write the body of the subroutine zsub inside it.Now inside the USER-EXIT include ZXCO1U06, try calling the subroutine inside the include like below,
"Use loop or while condition for recursive call
I guess you are using 3 separate screens. If so, then just put & in the title bar while creating it instead of hardcoding it as INPUT FILE.& is a placeholder for dynamic title texts.Then set it in program like below,
DATA: text(50) TYPE c. " Decl...
Try GET TIME STAMP option in your program.Use a small piece of code in your program like below,
TABLES: ztable " Database table
DATA: wa TYPE ztable,
dbtab TYPE TABLE OF ztable.
GET TIME STAMP FIELD wa-timestamp. " Move timestamp value...