Member since ‎2011 Apr 21

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  • 17 Posts
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I created several classes that represent the different kinds of business partners we have in our system. All classes shall be instantiated only by a factory class, so they shall only have protected constructors. I created an abstract class on top ...
Hi all,On CRM start page there is an assigment block showing all workitems of the current user. These workitems contain tasks generated in transaction WF_EXTSRV and start some old BSP pages.When the workitems are started with GUI transaction SBWP (bu...
Hi all,After adding a new action definition to an action profile everything works fine for new documents or if a document is saved. However, I'm looking for a way to "attach" the new action definition to existing documents – something to ‘initialize’...
Hi folks,I would like to create a mail form for usage 'Internet Mail (HTML)'. This mail shall consist of several text elements building one larger HTML file. But when I create a text element the system always closes all open HTML tags. So, it doesn't...
Hi experts,We need to assign business partners to our service products (using CRM 7.0). Is there any description available on how to do this?We've already assigned relationship PRDBP to the category of our service product using transaction COMM_HIERA...